Proving Fault in a T-Bone Accident in Georgia

T-bone collisions are some of the most damaging types of car accidents that occur in Georgia. They can easily cause serious injuries, resulting in extreme pain, expensive medical bills, and substantial time away from work. Because of how harmful these accidents can be, a personal injury claim can be a useful way to get the money you need to cover your losses.

However, proving who is at fault in a T-Bone accident case isn’t always easy. One way to help yourself is to hire an experienced Georgia personal injury lawyer. The team at R. Alan Cleveland, LLC, has over 75 years of combined legal experience, and we’ve recovered millions of dollars for our clients. We can investigate your case and gather the evidence you need to build a strong claim. Get your free initial consultation by calling our office or visiting our contact page.

What Happens in a T-Bone Accident?

T-bone accidents occur when the front of one vehicle collides into the side of another vehicle, often at a perpendicular angle. These kinds of collisions are often called “T-bone” accidents because the vehicles form a “T” shape after they collide. These accidents are also sometimes referred to as broadside accidents or side-impacts collisions.

T-bone accidents are especially dangerous for the driver that is struck because cars offer much less protection on the side compared to the front or rear areas of the vehicle. Furthermore, being struck from the side means the driver who is hit is at risk of having many vulnerable areas of their body injured in an accident.

Most T-bone accidents occur at intersections. The two most common ways in which T-bone accidents occur are:

  • A driver runs a red light or stop sign and collides with another vehicle that is traveling through the intersection.
  • A driver makes an illegal or unsafe left turn and strikes another vehicle traveling straight through the intersection.

What Are Common Causes of T-Bone Accidents?

While the basic facts of most T-bone accidents are fairly similar, there are many different ways in which a driver could be negligent and cause a crash. Some of the most common causes of T-bone accidents include:

  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding and other reckless driving behaviors
  • Driving while fatigued
  • Impairment by drugs or alcohol
  • Not following the rules of the road or failing to yield the right of way
  • Inexperienced drivers
  • Mechanical defects
  • Malfunctioning traffic signals or other equipment
  • Poor road conditions

What Are Common Injuries from a T-Bone Accident?

In most T-bone collisions, there’s only a car door and a window between the occupants of the car that’s struck and the vehicle that hits them. This means anyone in the car on the receiving end of the collision is likely to suffer serious injuries. Some common T-bone accident injuries include:

  • Severe bruises
  • Deep cuts from flying glass
  • Broken bones
  • Damage to muscles, ligaments, and tendons
  • Damage to internal organs
  • Back and neck injuries, including whiplash
  • Damage to the spinal cord
  • Head injuries, such as penetration injuries from flying glass or other objects
  • Traumatic brain injuries

How Can I Prove the Other Driver Was At Fault for a T-Bone Accident in GA?

In a T-bone accident, who is at fault is usually the key issue involved in the case. To claim any compensation for your injuries, you will have to show how the driver who hit you was acting negligently and is therefore responsible for what happened to you. Furthermore, to claim the maximum potential amount of compensation, you will need to show how the driver who hit you is fully to blame for your injuries.

So, how do you prove fault in a T-bone accident case? Here are a few pieces of evidence that you and your lawyer may be able to gather to establish the other driver was at fault for your injuries:

  • The police report – If you suffered major injuries in an accident, a law enforcement agency will investigate the crash to determine what happened and see if any laws were broken. You can get a copy of that investigation report and use its finding to build your case, especially if the report shows the driver who hit you had acted negligently in some way, such as by failing to yield.
  • Evidence from the scene – It’s always a good idea to take photos after an accident if you’re able to do so. Photos from the immediate aftermath of an accident can often help reveal what happened. They can also help document your injuries.
  • Traffic cameras – Surveillance footage from traffic cameras or other sources may have recorded the accident. This evidence is particularly valuable because it’s often recorded by a neutral party instead of someone involved in the crash.
  • Witness testimony – There may have been other drivers or pedestrians who saw the crash. They may testify about what happened to establish how the other driver is at fault for your injuries.
  • Forensic investigations – Forensic accident reconstruction teams can examine a crash scene to help determine how an accident occurred. They can then present their findings when you make your claim.

How Can a Georgia T-Bone Accident Lawyer Help Me?

If you’ve been involved in a left-turn accident, a T-bone accident lawyer can help while you focus on your recovery. We can gather evidence to build your case, interview witnesses, and begin negotiating a fair settlement with the other driver and their insurance company.

At R. Alan Cleveland, LLC, we have the knowledge, training, and experience to fight for the maximum amount of compensation you deserve for your injuries. We can also help you find the right doctors and other caregivers you may need to give yourself the best shot at a complete recovery.

If you have more questions about our legal services or how we can help you, we’d be happy to answer them for you. Get a free case review today by calling our office or visiting our contact page.

alan cleveland

An Athens resident Alan Cleveland grew up in Rockdale County. As a founding partner of the personal injury law firm of R. Alan Cleveland, LLC he proudly serves his community and provides skilled representation to injury victims and their families all around Georgia. Alan earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Georgia and went on to graduate, summa cum laude, from Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School. He is also a graduate of Gerry Spence’s renowned Trial Lawyers College (TLC) in Wyoming. In his free time, Alan frequently speaks at continuing legal education seminars. He also volunteered as a youth baseball coach and assists with Georgia’s high school moot court competition held annually. Alan serves as a Trustee of Historic Athens and is a member of the Development Authority of the Unified Government of Athens-Clarke County.

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