According to the most recent data from the Insurance Information Institute*, the average dog bite settlement amount in Georgia is $57,572. While getting data about payouts for an animal attack can be helpful for general knowledge, it’s important to remember the amount you may be eligible to receive after a…

Many people view certain dog breeds as naturally more aggressive or vicious, typically due to a breed’s size or stereotypes about how people raise and use certain breeds. Although Georgia law does not expressly ban or restrict specific dog breeds, many municipalities in the state have ordinances imposing requirements on…

Because each dog bite case is unique, there is no true average settlement. Dog bite settlements will depend on the specific factors in a claim, such as the severity of the injury and the dog’s history. The amount can range anywhere from a few thousand dollars to several tens of…

A dog bite or attack is a traumatizing experience for anyone. Trying to recover compensation from a negligent dog owner can be challenging in its own right. Dog bite cases are often complicated. It takes certain types of evidence to prove liability. If you are unsure what steps to take…

According to the Georgia Responsible Dog Owner Act, the owner of a dog bears sole responsibility if their pet attacks another individual or animal. This law ensures the safety of Georgia residents and enforces accountability for dog owners. If you have suffered injuries in an attack by a dog or another…

You may have heard about a “one-bite” rule and wonder how it affects your ability to pursue compensation after a dog attack in Georgia. Georgia has a variation on this common law tradition that requires you to prove a dog owner’s responsibility for their animal’s behavior but makes it relatively easy….

In Georgia, a person who a dog has bitten can seek compensation from the animal’s owner under specific circumstances. The victim could seek compensation for pain and suffering from the attack, as well as medical bills and other financial losses. Compensation could also include punitive damages if the dog’s owner…

While most dogs are well-behaved and friendly, some dog breeds can be dangerous. Under Georgia law, dogs deemed dangerous or vicious must be registered with the state to provide a measure of accountability in the event they attack. Dogs are generally considered dangerous if they have caused serious injury or…

A walk in the neighborhood or a visit to a friend’s home could turn into a traumatic event if an animal attacks you. A dog bite or another animal attack could result in serious injuries that have long-term consequences for the victim. Many victims of these attacks are young children,…

Approximately 1,000 Americans are admitted to hospitals each day for emergency treatment related to dog bite injuries, according to DogsBite.org. It’s likely that these numbers are actually underreported because many people are afraid of getting the dog owners they know in trouble. Nevertheless, dog bite injuries are serious medical problems…