Do I need a lawyer to file a car accident insurance claim?

Not every car accident requires the help of an attorney. If you suffered only property damage and minor, if any, bodily injuries, then you may be able to file a claim on your own. However, if you suffered serious injuries in a car crash in Norcross which have left you with a pile of medical bills and missed time at work, you should seek help as soon as possible from an experienced car accident attorney. Here, we discuss several ways in which our lawyers at R. Alan Cleveland, LLC, can make a difference for you. To discuss the specific facts of your case, contact us today.

Free Consultation with No Obligation to You

aftermath of a car accidentAfter a crash, victims typically face financial hardship. That’s why we will review your case at absolutely no cost to you. During your free consultation, we will listen to your story and help you to understand your legal rights and the options available to you. You should also feel free to ask as many questions as you have about your car accident case, and the role we can play in helping you to seek compensation. When the consultation ends, you will have no obligation to work with us.

Communication with the Insurance Company

If you were hurt in an auto accident, you should focus on your health and your family – not dealing with an insurance company. The insurance company will want to take advantage of your situation by getting you to say something that will hurt your claim or by getting you to accept a settlement offer that fails to fully compensate you. For this reason, you should never give a statement to an insurance company or accept a settlement offer until you talk with a lawyer first. When an insurer calls, you can simply direct the insurer to your attorney at R. Alan Cleveland, LLC.

Help with Your Property Damage Claim

Our attorneys understand how getting your car repaired or replaced will be one of your top priorities after an auto accident. You need a vehicle to get around to your medical appointments, for instance, and to carry out your other daily activities. The loss of your vehicle can be especially frustrating if other members of your family regularly used it. Even though we focus on bodily injury claims, we can help you to file a property damage claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

Exhaustive Investigation of Your Case

Our Norcross law firm has the experience and resources that it takes to thoroughly investigate car accidents. We will get to work right away on preserving, gathering and studying evidence such as crash scene photos, witness statements, black box data, cell phone records and driver chemical test results. We can also obtain a copy of the police accident report, which may provide a great deal of helpful information.

Consultation with Accident Reconstruction Experts

If it is difficult to determine the cause of your crash, we can consult with accident reconstruction professionals. They will know how to analyze the evidence in your case and determine how your accident happened and who was responsible for it. An accident reconstruction expert can compile that analysis in a report and may even testify if your case goes to trial.

Calculation of Damages

In addition to establishing that another party was responsible for your car accident, you must also establish damage. At R. Alan Cleveland, LLC, we will examine your medical bills and the receipts from all of your other out-of-pocket expenses, and we will consult with life-care planners and other medical professionals about the medical costs that you will incur as you move forward. Additionally, we can analyze the income losses that you have suffered and the effect of your injuries on your ability to earn income in the future.

We will also consider the pain, suffering and emotional anguish that you have suffered. The severity of your injuries can be a factor in determining these damages. Your own account of how your injuries have changed your life can also serve as powerful evidence.

Negotiation from a Position of Strength

We prepare every case for trial, and we can use that preparation as leverage when we enter settlement negotiations with the insurance company. When an insurance company sees that we have established a solid case for liability and damages – and that we are ready to take a case to trial if necessary – the insurer will be more likely to make a full and fair settlement offer.

Presentation of a Persuasive Argument in Court

At R. Alan Cleveland, LLC, we will evaluate any settlement offer that you receive from an insurance company and help you to determine whether it meets your needs and goals. If you choose to decline the insurer’s offer, we will be ready to fight for you in the courtroom. Our attorneys are skilled and experienced litigators who know how to present persuasive cases to juries.

Communication Throughout Your Case

Our attorneys believe that open, honest and steady communication is the foundation of a solid attorney-client relationship. When you work with us, we will regularly provide you with updates about your case and make sure that you understand what is happening at every stage. We give our personal cell phone numbers to our clients for a reason. We want them to feel free to contact us at any time if they have any questions about their case.

Get Help from a Norcross Car Accident Attorney Today

If you have suffered serious physical, emotional and financial harm after a car accident in Norcross or elsewhere in Georgia, you should not try to handle your case on your own. Instead, get in touch with our experienced and compassionate car accident attorneys at R. Alan Cleveland, LLC. We have recovered more than $150 million in settlements and verdicts for our clients, and we are ready to put that experience to work for you. Our consultations are always free. So, contact us today to get started.

alan cleveland

An Athens resident Alan Cleveland grew up in Rockdale County. As a founding partner of the personal injury law firm of R. Alan Cleveland, LLC he proudly serves his community and provides skilled representation to injury victims and their families all around Georgia. Alan earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Georgia and went on to graduate, summa cum laude, from Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School. He is also a graduate of Gerry Spence’s renowned Trial Lawyers College (TLC) in Wyoming. In his free time, Alan frequently speaks at continuing legal education seminars. He also volunteered as a youth baseball coach and assists with Georgia’s high school moot court competition held annually. Alan serves as a Trustee of Historic Athens and is a member of the Development Authority of the Unified Government of Athens-Clarke County.

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