A rear-end accident occurs when the front end of one vehicle collides with the back end of the vehicle in front of it. According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, nearly one in every three motor vehicle accidents involve rear-end collisions. Many of these accidents are dangerous…

T-bone collisions are some of the most damaging types of car accidents that occur in Georgia. They can easily cause serious injuries, resulting in extreme pain, expensive medical bills, and substantial time away from work. Because of how harmful these accidents can be, a personal injury claim can be a…

Determining fault is one of the most important factors in helping injured crash victims get compensation for their losses. In left-hand turn car accidents, however, it can be challenging to sort out who’s to blame. Laws regarding left-hand turns at intersections can be complex. Depending on the circumstances, both the…

Obtaining a police report after a car accident in Georgia is important. A police crash report will outline how the accident happened and point to who was at fault. That information will play a role in your accident claim as you establish that another driver caused your crash due to…

If you are involved in a car accident in Georgia, you will need to know your rights are and your options for seeking damages – especially if you are severely injured. Like most states, Georgia is an “at-fault” jurisdiction. So, to recover compensation, you will first turn to the liability…

Not every car accident requires the help of an attorney. If you suffered only property damage and minor, if any, bodily injuries, then you may be able to file a claim on your own. However, if you suffered serious injuries in a car crash in Norcross which have left you…

Unlike a cut, burn or broken bone, you can’t see nerve damage. So, if you get into a car accident, you may suffer damage to your nerves without realizing it. In fact, due to shock and adrenaline, it may take hours or days until you notice signs of nerve damage….

A driver makes an improper lane change in Georgia when the driver changes lanes in a manner that puts the driver and others at risk of suffering serious injuries in an auto accident. If you have suffered harm in a crash that another driver caused by making an improper lane…

Many drivers in Georgia struggle when it comes to making U-turns. They have no idea when the maneuver is legal or illegal. It’s safe to say that, more often than not, they simply guess. Unfortunately, when they do so, they can put themselves and others in danger and cause serious…