You may have heard about a “one-bite” rule and wonder how it affects your ability to pursue compensation after a dog attack in Georgia. Georgia has a variation on this common law tradition that requires you to prove a dog owner’s responsibility for their animal’s behavior but makes it relatively easy….

Distracted driving, especially texting while driving, represents one of the most significant hazards on the road in Georgia. The state has adopted a hands-free law prohibiting motorists from using a handheld electronic device while operating their motor vehicles. If you drive in Georgia, you need to know that you cannot…

Georgia state law establishes a statute of limitations on personal injury lawsuits that gives you two years from the date of an accident to file suit in most cases. Filing after this deadline passes could lead to the dismissal of your case. While the statute of limitations applies to personal…

Auto accidents can lead to all sorts of injuries, ranging from minor to catastrophic. Common injuries sustained in auto accidents include cuts, bruises, broken bones, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and internal bleeding. Regardless of the nature of your injuries, if someone else was to blame for the accident,…

No matter how careful we are, workplace accidents sometimes happen. Fortunately, workers’ compensation insurance exists to help employees pay for the cost of treating their injuries, cover lost wages during recovery, and more. To receive these benefits, however, they must promptly notify their employer of the accident. Georgia law gives…

Tingling and numbness are common sensations that don’t necessarily indicate a serious problem. Putting pressure on the nerves can cause a feeling of pins and needles that goes away as the nerves decompress. Those sensations can come and go without complications. However, chronic tingling or numbness, with additional symptoms, can…

Workers’ compensation provides many useful benefits to employees when injured on the job. However, before you can secure these benefits, your claim must be processed by an adjuster. Claims adjusters are paid to save insurance companies money by denying claims where possible. Therefore, their assessment of your workplace injury or…

If you are injured on the job in Georgia, you are likely entitled to workers’ compensation. However, Georgia law requires that you report your work injuries to your employer within 30 days after the accident. Waiting too long to report your injuries could compromise your eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits….

The aftermath of a car accident can be disorienting and overwhelming. You might be forced to seek treatment for painful injuries, all while dealing with unexpected medical expenses, repairs to your vehicle, missed time at work, and other financial troubles. You may be entitled to compensation for your losses, but…

People call me about intersection collisions weekly. They are one of the most frequent types of accidents, but they can also be one of the hardest to prove who was at fault.  If you can’t prove fault then you won’t recover your losses.  When the Police arrive, they can only…